Musings. Et Al. - Archive

Thoughts Archive for Amit Gawande

I am trying out IndieKit to post to a Hugo blog. This does look interesting, but it is very similar to Quill. What it does better is integrate with the repository better. I may not use Micropub at all. And there in lies the benefit.

That said, the interface for long posts is, again, terrible. I wish that weren’t the case.


My timeline’s full of charming, festive pictures, full of merriness. Any review post for this week can be filled with just these snippets. They‘re enough to spread the much-needed positivity in the world.

Here’s wishing that happens. Here’s wishing a merry Christmas to all! 🎄

Fog Waves Are The Most Beautiful Thing I Captured After 8 Years Of Experimenting - Bored Panda

Shooting fog is a study and takes a lot of patience, preparation, and knowledge of the area to catch it as it is very elusive

These are some stunning non-photoshopped pictures.

So Blot still seems to be down. So I have dusted my old Hugo based journal, just to see if things are up - working. I hope it is. I believe it is.

In line with the last update on Blot experiment, setting up webmentions. I think I will go with something simple to begin with.

★ Liked “The Bullshit Web

An honest web is one in which the overwhelming majority of the code and assets downloaded to a user’s computer are used in a page’s visual presentation, with nearly all the remainder used to define the semantic structure and associated metadata on the page.

★ Liked “Doing Nothing

Push your mind out of a rut.

This is important. I need to do this more often.

★ Liked “Dave Winer on the decrentralized web

I think the “decentralized web” can’t be anything other than the web itself.

Back home after days of travel. It’s always great to be back at home, the “usual stuff” - usualities are welcome.

Folks with blogs on Blot, how do you typically post? Any micropubs? Or is it always save to dropbox from text editors of choice?